Sunday, April 11, 2021

Home Church Again

 A few weeks ago, Phillip and I decided it was time for our family to start attending church in person every week, instead of every two weeks.  The limit for attendees had been raised to 100, so there were plenty of open seats, and we wanted our family to get the spiritual and emotional boost of worshiping with other saints as often as that was available to us.

Well, the only constant is change, especially during this pandemic.  This week, I read about an increasingly widespread COVID variant that is more dangerous for Phillip's and my age group (1/3 of the people it hospitalizes are in their 30s and 40s), so I felt it would be wiser to worship at home again until we get vaccinated.  It was surreal and a little sad to get our family's makeshift sacrament tray out of storage for our home sacrament meeting today.  I thought we were done with that for good.  Still, I'm grateful that we have that option, so we can worship safely during this crazy time.

On a happier note, one of the women in today's Relief Society meeting mentioned that she has a ton of daffodils blooming in her yard, and anyone who wanted to was welcome to come pick a bunch.  Anna and I went over this afternoon to pick a bouquet for our family room . . .

. . . and an accessory for Anna's hair.

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