Sunday, April 18, 2021

Daniel Speaks

We weren't planning to attend in-person church for another week until our J&J vaccines take full effect, but then Daniel was asked to give a talk today.  I wanted him to have the experience of speaking from the pulpit, not into a laptop microphone on our couch, so we masked up, social distanced, and left the church building right after the service.  I'm fed up with being so cautious, but hopefully we won't have to do it much longer.

Daniel was a little nervous about giving the talk he wrote.  He was asked to speak on something he'd learned during the pandemic, and he chose to talk about appreciating his family more.  Joy warned him that after he spoke, lots of grownups would praise him and make him feel awkward.  Sure enough, lots of people told him he did a good job (which he did).

After church, we decided to unwind by taking a leisurely family bike ride.  I love spring weather!

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