Sunday, April 25, 2021

A Double Concert

This afternoon . . .

. . . we moved all the music books and binders off the piano . . .

. . . and Daddy adjusted the Zoom audio settings on our laptop (while the kids played catch with Eddy, who likes being caught but does NOT like being picked up) . . .

. . . in preparation for not one but two Suzuki concerts.  Anna and Daniel finished their piano books (Suzuki 2 and 3, respectively) at about the same time, so they decided to hold a double concert performing the songs they've learned.

It was interesting to see how their musical styles compared.  Anna's playing was elegant and polished, while Daniel's was fast and exuberant.

The musicians also held a post-concert discussion with their two grandmas, who had attended via Zoom.  Huzzah for technology!

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