Saturday, December 4, 2021

How Bazaar

This morning . . .

. . . I drove Joy to our town's annual Christmas bazaar in the middle school gym.

Her high school humanitarian club was running a charitable fundraiser there, and Joyo had volunteered to staff a booth raising money to help Cambodian children afford an education.

The high school band had also volunteered to provide beautiful, festive music for the event.

While I didn't see anything at the bazaar that I wanted to buy for myself, I did make a few donations to charities.  I also paid for Todd's teacher to be entered in a drawing for a classroom grant, and I took home a card so Todd could write her a thank-you note.  She had kind of a rough week, and I thought that might lift her spirits.

This afternoon, we took a long drive up to a New Hampshire Christmas tree farm.  I'd heard they provide a free wagon ride, cider, and donuts when you buy one of their trees.  It all sounded really magical, but we arrived to find that their trees sold out last weekend, so we just bought some donuts before heading home.  Those donuts were the best I've ever had in my life, but they weren't worth a 3-hour round-trip car ride.

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