Monday, October 25, 2021

Small Town Democracy

After dinner this evening, I headed over to the high school . . .

. . . to attend a town meeting, where any registered voter in town can come vote on this quarter's ballot items.

I went partly to learn about the issues and cast my vote on them, but also because I find the meetings fascinating.  After the town officers announce and explain an article . . .

. . . any voter in the audience can walk up to the microphone to voice their opinion or even propose amendments.  As we were discussing one particularly contentious topic tonight, the crowd groaned a little when someone proposed a fourth or fifth amendment for us all to debate and vote on.  No one yelled for the person to sit down though.  I get the sense that people here respect the process and each other, and they're committed to letting everyone have their say, even if they disagree.  I like that about our town.

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