Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Magic Petting Zoo

The three younger kids and I went to a magic show at the library this evening.  Joy would have liked to come, but she was at a Young Women paint night at the church.

Stephen the Magician was a good-natured curmudgeon with a New York accent and loud Hawaiian shirt.  His magic tricks were fun, but the kids' favorite part was that . . .

. . . every trick involved some cute little animal that Stephen would then bring around for everyone to touch.  It was basically a magic show/petting zoo. :)

Daniel, Anna, and Todd were more than happy to pet every dove, chinchilla, and turtle Stephen pulled out of seemingly empty bags and boxes.

And of course, they lined right up to pet the (very patient) bunny he produced at the end.  Because who doesn't love to pet bunnies?

Oh, and Joy's painting?  I'd say it turned out pretty well. :)

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