Thursday, July 18, 2019

NY Road Trip Day 4: Holy Places and Niagara Falls

The Palmyra Temple was on Joy's road trip wish list before we even left home . . .

. . . so Daddy took her there to do baptisms this morning . . . 

. . . then they visited another sacred place nearby.  This wooded area is the Sacred Grove, where nearly 200 years ago, Joseph Smith prayed to know which church he should join.  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared and called him to be the prophet who would restore Christ's true church to the Earth.  I'd like to take the younger kids to visit the Sacred Grove when they're a little older . . .

. . . but this time they stayed at the hotel with me and played Sink or Swim.

After Daddy and Joy got back from Palmyra, we drove to Niagara Falls.  I thought it would be fun to take a day trip to another country, so we drove across Rainbow Bridge to see the falls from the Canadian side. We joked that we drove "south to Canada" because even though most of Canada is north of the U.S., the waterfall overlook is actually south of the bridge to New York State.

Our first glimpse of the Niagara Falls was nice, but not that thrilling.  In her usual blunt way, Joy commented that it was kind of disappointing in person.

As we continued along the boardwalk toward the portion called Horseshoe Falls, the view became much more impressive.  The mist from the falls made an increasingly vibrant rainbow . . .

. . . and when we got right up next to Horseshoe Falls, the sight was breathtaking.  It looked like someone had knocked a hole in the bottom of the ocean, and all the water was draining out of the world.  We all agreed that we were glad we kept going to the end of the boardwalk, instead of giving up after an underwhelming first impression.

And that's the end of our road trip!  It's been fun, but we're looking forward to getting back to familiar beds and home cooking.

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