Friday, February 22, 2019

Fudge and Wooden Cars

A few more highlights from the kids' winter break:

While Daniel, Anna, and I were out buying snow boots (which they're modeling in the picture), we stopped by this little shop that sells excellent fudge.

Apparently they take their chocolate quite seriously.  The parking lot out front is for "choc-o-holic parking only."

In other news, Joy painted her car for the sibling division of the upcoming Cub Scout pinewood derby.

Daniel didn't even want to bother making a car this year.  We told him he didn't have to carve or decorate it, but he did need to participate in his pack's derby, even if that meant we just stuck wheels on the sides of his block of wood.  Apparently a block-car was too minimalist even for his taste, so Daniel sketched the way he wanted Daddy to carve his car.  He opted for the natural look when it came to paint, though.

Lastly, for some reason, Daniel spent much of winter break wearing a rubber band on his head.  When I asked him why he wore it, he said it's comfortable.  I think it makes him look like some character from a Greek myth . . .

. . . about the underworld.

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