Saturday, February 16, 2019

A Slippery Trail

This afternoon was sunny and pleasant (for a winter day in Massachusetts) . . .

. . . so our family went for a little hike on a snowy trail.

We admired a very shaggy horse . . .

. . . and enjoyed watching the moon rise over the woods (it looked a lot more epic in person).

The trail was rather icy because some of the snow had melted and then refrozen.  Joy thought it was fun to slide along the ice patches . . .

. . . but Daniel (who doesn't have boots yet) kept slipping and falling on the icy snow.  He was a trooper about it, but when he fell for the third time, we decided to turn around and head home.  On the walk back to the van, Daniel asked if we could stop by Gourmet Donuts on the way to our apartment.  Daddy and I agreed that he had definitely earned a donut for being a good sport on a slippery trail.  And you know, if we're going to buy one Hendrickson a donut, we might as well buy some for the other five as well, right?

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