Sunday, April 1, 2018

Holy Week 2018

You may recall that last year we tried a variation of this family's Holy Week tradition.  Each night of the week before Easter Sunday, we read scriptures, watched a short Bible video, and did an activity associated with the days leading up to Jesus Christ's atonement and resurrection for all of us.  Our whole family found it inspiring and fun, so we decided to do it again this year.

The first few nights were more lighthearted.  On Palm Sunday we acted out Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and each of the kids wanted a turn riding the "donkey."  Alas, we had no homegrown kale leaves to wave this year (maybe next year?), so we used plastic palm fronds instead.

The next night we reenacted Christ driving the money changers out of the temple.  Of course, all the kids wanted a turn playing the lead role in that scenario too, and each rendition got progressively rowdier.  Tuesday was a little more subdued as we discussed and then drew pictures of the lessons Jesus taught in what He knew would be His final week on Earth.

On Spy Wednesday (so named because Judas agreed to betray Jesus that day) we just read a few scripture verses, had a short discussion, then lightened the mood by dyeing Easter eggs (I'd like to say there's some deep spiritual symbolism behind that activity, but the fact is I just think it's a fun Easter tradition).

I totally forgot to take a picture of our semi-authentic Passover feast because my parents arrived in town that day!  We had a very uplifting discussion at dinner, though.  Friday and Saturday's activities got pushed back by grandparent activities and General Conference, but we made time for them on Sunday, and it made our Easter that much more meaningful.  I plan to keep our Holy Week Wall decorated for a few more weeks to remind us of the fun times we shared and the sacred things we remembered.

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