Monday, September 4, 2017

Back to School Eve 2017

Tomorrow the three big kids start school at Thunder Hill Elementary.  In the past I tried to make Back to School Eve special by preparing a delicious feast.  That was a lot of work and stress for me and tended to be underappreciated by the kids, so . . .

. . . tonight I pushed the Easy Button and served Little Caesar's pizza with carrots, grapes, and purple Mountain Dew.  And there was great rejoicing.

Tonight was also Family Home Evening night.  It was Joy's turn to choose the activity, and she opted to have us play a Flour Tower tournament.

This girl is having a great time.

This girl, not so much.

Right before bed, Daddy gave each of the big kids a priesthood blessing to help them in the coming school year.  Starting the school year with priesthood blessings is an annual tradition in our family and many other Mormon homes, and it was interesting to hear the unique blessings God prompted Phillip to promise each child.  It was a sweet reminder that God knows each of us individually, and can give us the unique help and encouragement we each need.


Rachel Culmer said...

Kim -- I saw a can organizer in the background of your kitchen / dining room table area. Where did you get that?! I've been trying to find something that will help organize cans.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

It's called a Cansolidator, and I actually have several of them lined up on two shelves. You can order them from Thrive Life (which is, of course, based in Utah). Just google "Cansolidator" and you'll easily find their website.

The Cansolidators are a little pricey but they're really handy, and hey, Christmas is coming. :)