Wednesday, April 13, 2011

R-V Day

We hosted preschool again today, which meant that Joy was there on time for once.

It fell to me to review letters R through V, and I tried to think of a snack component that matched each letter: Raisins, graham Squares, Tang, apples cut in U shapes, and milk tinted Violet.

Before I even thought to get out the camera, the kids had polished off the milk. I have to admit, the lavender color made it look irresistibly delicious, as if there simply must be some sort of sugary goodness mixed in.

We also played a memory game with pictures of Socks, Telephones, Unicycles, etc., . . .

. . . then we played the Very Game. We took turns telling the group to whisper VERY quietly, turn around VERY slowly, or (as pictured above) dance VERY fast.

Later, as we waited for the moms to return, this little guy volunteered to play doctor and help all the animals that were sick. Big Bear felt much better after her visit to the Toy Doctor.

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