Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Games

We've enjoyed the egg hunts, candy, and general fun of Easter, but I wanted to make sure it had a spiritual element, too. Last night I cut out a picture of Christ, and a wax paper outline in the same shape. I explained to Joy that the picture represented Christ's body, and the wax paper His spirit. We put His "body" in a box just like His friends did after He died on the cross, and His "spirit" went up to "heaven" (the shelf of our piano).

This morning, Joy was delighted to see that the "tomb" was empty, and Christ had resurrected (I taped the "body" and "spirit" together so they wouldn't come apart again). And then we made pancakes, cuz no celebration is complete without some good food.

After church we headed to Papa's house for dinner and some holiday family fun. Joy played "Red Light, Green Light" with Papa and Uncle Robbie . . .

. . . then they played "Duck, Duck, Goose."

Since the circle of players was really too small to sprint around, they decided to run around the sofa instead.

Then Joy showed Papa and Daddy how to do a puzzle . . .

. . . and Papa taught Joy how to play croquet.

Here's Joy showing the ball who's boss. Good times. :)

1 comment:

Serena said...

that is a cute idea i never thought of that, we just show lots of pics lol