Friday, March 11, 2011

Playing Ball and the Bongos

The kids have grown out of many of their clothes, so we did a little shopping today.

As you can see, Joy is super excited about her new duds. SO excited, in fact, that she changed into yet another new outfit for our trip to the park.

While we were there, Joy and Daniel joined the warm-up for a junior softball game. My kids couldn't hit the broad side of an aircraft carrier, but neither could most of the team. Apparently for most of them, it was their first game. Ever. A friend whose daughter is on that team later reported that of 45 at-bats this evening, he counted 40 hits, 40 runs, and 38 errors.

After the warm-up, we proceeded to the Farmers' Market for some strawberries. There are always a few musicians there (usually different ones each week), and this time we found a guy with dreadlocks playing bongos. The cool thing was that he was singing hip arrangements of children’s songs, and on blankets spread in front of him were several small chairs and lots of instruments—little drums, tambourines, homemade shakers, and even an old xylophone. Any kids who wanted to could play along while he drummed and sang. Joy dove right in, playing virtually every instrument he had, and even beating his bongo a few times. It was fun to watch her get so into it.