Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Hendrickson Art Academy

The kids have had fun making creative works of art lately.

You can have a lot of fun with muffin cups and construction paper.

Joy recently saw some instructions for making a family tree, and asked me to help her make one for our family. We even made an apple for the baby.

Daniel prefers more unconventional media. Here's a cool dragon he made by dumping the water out of his glass (I'm glad it was a water dragon instead of, say, a milk dragon, or a cranberry juice dragon). He made his artwork out of a medium that disappears, symbolic of the fact that art and inspiration are fleeting. Or something like that.

1 comment:

Serena said...

too funny how the spill came out that way! I didn't even think about smalle paper plates for flowers that is pretty, we do so much art, how did i miss that LOL