Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

This weekend Papa prepared a little treasure hunt for Joy, with clues hidden around the cabin.

The treasures she found included a little whistle (which you can see around her neck) . . .

. . . and this fun puzzle.

Daniel doesn't need treasures these days - he's got stairs to climb.

This afternoon we went to the village to ride the merry-go-round . . .

. . . and the little train. We also had some ice cream. Mmmm . . . ice cream.

As we rode the boat around the lake, I somehow found myself talking with Joy about why we celebrate Memorial Day. For most of my life I've just seen it as an extra day off school or work, but as I told Joy about soldiers giving their lives to protect our liberty, I reflected that I ought to take more time to make this weekend a memorial, not just a holiday. The thought seemed particularly poignant since my veteran grandpa was riding just a few seats away from me.

I'd like to start some Memorial Day tradition that would help my little family honor the soldiers who've died and the freedoms they protected. Any thoughts or suggestions, anyone?