Monday, June 22, 2009

Out Visiting

Phillip was out of town this weekend at a seminar in San Diego, so the kids and I headed out to visit my family for a few days.

Dad washed our car (note to self: must visit on Saturdays more often) . . .

. . . while Daniel honed his rolling skills ("almost . . . there . . .")

. . . and played with Grandma.

We also joined the clan for a Father's Day celebration.

After dinner, Joy and her cousins had fun playing "Beauty Pirates"* with Uncle Nile. Fun times. :)

*Beauty Pirates was a term my cousins and I coined when we were little. We would often play with our grandma's costume jewelry, and the idea of being pirates added a little adventure and romance to the game. However, since your average pirate tends to be surly, uncouth, and decidedly underwashed, we clarified that we were Beauty Pirates (as opposed to, say, Grimy Pirates). An important distinction.


nathan n rachel said...

I want to know how the teriyaki stake was. I loved playing Beauty Pirates with Grandmas jewelry. Those were the good old days.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

The steak was pretty good. The salad was awesome.