Friday, June 12, 2009

Free Hippies

For the past year or so, Joy has been quite content to communicate with single words (occasionally repeated dozens of times for emphasis). For example, she might say "white, white, white! White! WHITE!" and leave it to us to guess whether she wanted white milk, her white bear, her white blanket, or whether she was just talking about the white bubbles in the wake behind Papa's boat.

In the last few weeks, Joy has finally started stringing two and even three words together. In celebration of this momentous developmental step, I've decided to hold a friendly competition. Below are five phrases Joy has said lately. In the comment section, try to translate some or all of them into standard English.

Without further ado, here are the samples of Joyspeak:

1) Free Hippies

2) Hippie Cake

3) Jew A

4) Go Hee

5) Red Geek

Extra Credit: What is Joy referring to when she says, "Dude"?

The commenter who successfully translates the most Joy phrases will receive free hippies. Or fame and glory, whichever you prefer. We'll announce the winner on Monday. If no one can interpret ANYTHING Joy says (not uncommon when the toddler isn't your own), the winning translation will be the one that we think is funniest. Good luck!


Phillip said...

I'm not going to participate in this, but it should be interesting, and maybe very hilarious, to see what translations people come up with.

Serena said...

Hippie cake, Hiccup
Go hee, Go here
Free hippies, Frisby
Red Geek, Ready
Jew A, Chewing

Natalie said...

1) three hippos
2) hippo cake (it's the best kind)
3) two eggs
4) go here
5) red duck

And Dude is a stuffed pet dragon.

Connie H said...

OK, here goes.
1. is Three Cookies of course
2. Sticking with cookies for hippie--Cookies and Cake, I need more sugar.
3. Apple Juice, she thirsty after all that sugar.
4. Go for a Hike--she want to be outside/somewhere.
5. Red Geek my favorite--her Father of course with a sun burn!
and extra credit, I love extra credit because I always need it to come up to snuff. So I'll stick with another reference to her DAD that she loves.

nathan n rachel said...

Sorry Kim...

I don't know the Adamic language. I'm amazed at how you moms can translate what your kids are saying. Best of luck to everyone else.

Emily H said...

i get the extra credit.

uhhhh. but maybe thats not a good thing.

i taught her dude last time you guys were here. grandma didnt like it too well, but i figure she needs something from her aunt. whoops!!! well, she doesnt know what it means! i figured no one would realize she is saying dude.