Friday, September 14, 2007

Another Mushy Post

As I suspected, the animal noise trick didn't work very long. Still, we seem to be making progress. For one thing, Joy is voluntarily opening her mouth more often at each meal. What's more . . .
. . . she's learned which end of the spoon goes in her mouth, and she often likes to try her own hand at this new game. Of course, every time I put food on the spoon with the specific intention of letting her feed herself, it ends up on the floor. I've started feeding Joy over the kitchen linoleum to facilitate cleanup.

We've also offered Baby that time-honored toddler delight: Cheerios. She's still getting used to this new culinary experience, and for now she seems to prefer keeping them outside her mouth rather than inside.

Incidentally, thanks to everyone for their advice and well wishes. They've been both helpful and reassuring.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I am glad she is getting better at eating solids! It just takes a little time! Hope to see you soon!