Saturday, December 30, 2006

How to get copies of pictures


Since I'm an engineering student, and most engineers like to make things as quick and efficient as possible, I'm changing the way that you all can get any image files that you want. In this post, at the very end of the post, I said that you'd have to go to our family website if you wanted the full image files, since Blogger scales the image size down.

However, that's a lot of work for both you and for us. You've got to remember the URL of a site in addition to this one (and who likes to remember the address of lots of websites?), and I end up having to upload multiple copies of the same images, which takes a long time and is tedious.

So, from now on, so that I only have to upload one image, and so you only have to come to one site, I/we will post images in such a way that clicking the image in the blog will give you the full file, if you want it.

And again, maybe I'm making this a bigger deal than it is, but I'll be glad to not have to do so much work.

Happy Holidays from the Hendricksons!

I just ate, and Daddy's holding me, so I'm happy!

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