Saturday, April 13, 2024

Prom with a Trekkie

One of Joy's friends asked her on a double date to a prom this evening.
It was Joy's first invitation to a formal dance,
so this event raised all sorts of questions:

What does one wear to a formal dance?  Is dinner involved?
Should we wait for him to give us more details about his plan for the evening, 
or should I cheat and ask his mom???

Joy borrowed a dress from her friend Arcadia,
and braided her hair earlier today
so it would be nice and wavy for the dance.

Here she is "all buffed and fluffed" (as my mom would say)
and ready to go to the prom!

I didn't think to take a picture of the two couples,
so I was grateful that one of the other moms snapped this photo
before they headed off to the dance.

Joy said it was different from most dances she's been to.
It was run by a homeschool co-op,
and most of time was devoted to dinner and socializing
(Joy says she learned at lot about Star Trek from her Trekkie date).
Near the end, the couple who organized the dance taught their guests how to do actual dance steps
(triple-step swing and the waltz box step),
then played songs they could dance those steps to.

Joy said she had a good time,
and we're curious to see how tonight's dance compares
to the stake prom coming up in a few weeks.

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