Saturday, April 6, 2024

Cat Cafe

As we considered how to spend a bit of free time
before Aunt Heather's wedding,
the kids said they really wanted to check out a cat cafe they'd found in Redlands.

"What's a cat cafe?" you ask?  Yeah, I didn't know either.

Apparently, it's a cafe (obviously) . . .

. . . where you can buy some beautiful hot cocoa
(or coffee, if that's your jam) . . .

. . . and you can pay to visit the "cat lounge"
to spend some quality time with rescue cats
who are available for adoption.

This cafe also had kitty art available for purchase.
I kinda wish I'd bought one as a souvenir.

That's not a cat, but she sure is cute!
Hi, Cousin Jo-Jo!

After bidding a fond farewell to our new furry friends,
we paid a quick visit to the Redlands Temple,
then headed back to Red Grandma's house to get ready for Aunt Heather's wedding.
But that deserves its own post . . .

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