Monday, April 29, 2024

Mighty Mozart and Cake

Wanna see some random pictures from the last few weeks?
I thought so!

This sign makes me smile every time I see it,
and I think Mozart would have thought it was cool too.
Anyone who wrote music that lively would have probably enjoyed
being depicted as Superman flying to someone's rescue.

Speaking of flying, Anna's friend Sam invited her to a trampoline park this week.
They look like they're having a blast.

Joy decided to make a cake that afternoon,
but I think she forgot to grease the pans,
because the cake came out in pieces.

Fortunately, frosting hides a multitude of ills,
and the cake still tasted good.

This is my favorite April picture, no contest. 
I love it when our family has a fun time
just being together.

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