Sunday, April 7, 2024

Makeup Lessons with Red Grandma

Most of our California trip has been go-go-go,
so we decided to take it easy today and just 
watch General Conference at Red Grandma's House.

Between sessions, the boys meandered around Grandma's yard . . .

. . . while Joy climbed her magnolia tree . . .

. . . and I admired the cute little carnation bouquets around her house.

Joy has been wanting to learn more about makeup,
and since Grandma knows a LOT more about that than I do,
Joy asked her for a tutorial.
Joy and I both learned a lot, and we scored some free makeup
because Grandma receives a lot more makeup samples than she can use.

In today's Conference sessions, the Prophet and several other speakers
encouraged us to spend more time at the temple,
so after the last session we visited the construction site
for the nearby Yorba Linda Temple.

I love that so many temples are being built all over the world,
and it still amazes me that the Church is building one a short drive from my childhood home
in the town where some of my cousins grew up.

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