Sunday, April 28, 2024

Conference by Candlelight

Our trip to California earlier this month happened to be on General Conference weekend,
and although we watched a few sessions with Red Grandma,
we had to miss the others . . .

. . . and we've been trying to catch up on them ever since.
It's surprisingly hard to find a two-hour chunk of time when all six of us are available . . .

. . . but we persevered and finally watched our final session this evening.
Joy lit some candles to add a bit of ambiance,
and it looks like Elder Cook thinks they're a nice touch. 

It was a little odd to see an apostle conducting tonight's session
instead of a member of the First Presidency (probably because they're getting on in age),
but the talks were still uplifting, and that's what we came for.

I especially liked Elder DeFeo's talk about the man in Mark 10
who, even though he was blind, recognized the Savior and believed He could help him.
Instead of waiting for relief to come to him, the man took action.
He cried out to Jesus, then threw away his beggar's coat and made his way toward Him to be healed.
Similarly, we can set aside negative things we might be tempted to fixate on,
and find healing by focusing on Jesus and following Him.

I love Conference, and it was actually kind of nice to stretch it out over a few weeks.
Maybe we should do that again this fall,
instead of trying to cram all 10 hours into one weekend!

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