Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Noche Sabrosa

The Division 2 (9th and 10th grade) Spanish classes at Parker
hosted their annual "Noche Sabrosa" ("Tasty Evening") tonight.

The students made food to share 
(preferably from a country some of their ancestors hail from)
and wrote down the recipe and some information about it in Spanish.
There were lots of noodles, desserts, a few meatballs,
and more noodles.
I guess pasta is a popular food the world over.

Daniel decided to make Tortellini Soup,
mainly because it has an amusing backstory in our family.
I tried using cheap tortellini the first time I made it, and the pasta tasted so gross
that the kids nicknamed the dish "Cardboard Soup."
I used better tortellini the next time, and the soup has become a family favorite,
but the nickname has stuck.

"Noche Sabrosa" in the chicken run consisted of 
a little bok choy plant that had bolted while we were out of town.
Martha immediately ate the flowers,
and soon the rest of the plant was gone too.

This bumper sticker I saw today has nothing to do with food,
but it made me chuckle, so I'm including it anyway:

"Quakers--Honk if you love silence."

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