Monday, April 22, 2024

Contra Dance Rookies

Practicing line dances for Aunt Heather's wedding
reminded me that I really enjoy dancing,
so I was intrigued when a friend mentioned 
that there are biweekly contra dances in Concord.
Contra dancing is basically a hybrid of square dancing
and the English country dances you see in Jane Austen movies.
I decided to give contra dancing a try tonight . . . 

. . . and I somehow persuaded my dancing-averse husband to come with me.
The dance hall was pretty empty when we arrived early
for the beginner contra crash course . . .

. . . but when the dance officially started, there were enough people to form a long line.
I'm told there are enough for two or three lines at the Thursday dances,
but the Monday crowd tends to be smaller.

At contra dances, you're encouraged to dance each song with a different person.
This is especially true if you're a beginner, because experienced partners
can give you tips and help you remember what step comes next.
Phillip initially planned to sit out the first song
(and maybe all of the songs after that too),
but when someone asked him to dance he reluctantly accepted.

Even though we were total rookies
and younger than most other dancers by at least two decades,
we were able to follow the caller pretty well,
and we both had a great time!

Maybe I can talk Phillip into coming to another contra dance
sometime soon.

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