Saturday, April 6, 2024

Cat Cafe

As we considered how to spend a bit of free time
before Aunt Heather's wedding,
the kids said they really wanted to check out a cat cafe they'd found in Redlands.

"What's a cat cafe?" you ask?  Yeah, I didn't know either.

Apparently, it's a cafe (obviously) . . .

. . . where you can buy some beautiful hot cocoa
(or coffee, if that's your jam) . . .

. . . and you can pay to visit the "cat lounge"
to spend some quality time with rescue cats
who are available for adoption.

This cafe also had kitty art available for purchase.
I kinda wish I'd bought one as a souvenir.

That's not a cat, but she sure is cute!
Hi, Cousin Jo-Jo!

After bidding a fond farewell to our new furry friends,
we paid a quick visit to the Redlands Temple,
then headed back to Red Grandma's house to get ready for Aunt Heather's wedding.
But that deserves its own post . . .

Friday, April 5, 2024

The South Pas Pilgrimage

When we asked the kids what they wanted to do
while we were in California this week,
the top thing on their list was something we wanted to do last time,
but didn't have time for:

A day trip to our old hometown of South Pasadena!
The kids loved visiting the train station near our old apartment . . .

. . . and climbing on an old watering trough that was built in 1906.
Our new town has trains and old watering troughs too,
but unfortunately . . .

. . . it doesn't have La Monarca Bakery 
with its yummy, freshly baked conchas . . .

. . . and it definitely doesn't have In-N-Out.
Sorry, Chick-fil-A--
In-N-Out's fries win any day of the week.

After lunch, the kids enjoyed playing at good old Garfield Park,
then we had a little free time before Aunt Heather's rehearsal dinner,
so Daniel and Todd decided to play some speed chess.
(I brought our board, in case we got bored. :P)

Love the hat, Todd.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

From Snow to Sunshine

I've been nervously watching the weather report for days.
We were scheduled to fly out for Aunt Heather's wedding this morning . . .

. . . but a snowstorm has been advancing toward us
like a grinning devil of impending doom.
Our town is supposed to get 18 inches of snow today.

The leading edge of the storm had already dropped an inch or two of snow
as we prepared to leave for the airport.
Daddy cleared a bit of it off the driveway,
then we headed for Boston with prayers in our hearts
that we'd arrive safely and our flights wouldn't be delayed.

We made it!

Time for Joy to have a snack,
for Anna and me to pop some Dramamine . . .

. . . and for Daddy to take a nap . . .

. . . on our way back to the Motherland.
I don't miss the concrete or the smog,
but I do miss the relatives and friends who live there,
and the warm weather is a welcome change from the snow we just left.

We wrapped up a long day of travel with dinner at Chick-fil-A.
Good food + playground = everybody's happy!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Speed Chess Showdowns

Since many of the Primary boys in my activity group love chess,
I decided to try a new spin on it this evening.

I invited my friend Ed Rumsey 
(whose weekday attire includes an awesome canvas kilt),
to teach us the ins and outs of speed chess.

The boys really enjoyed it,
and Daniel even squared off against his friend Nathaniel
after the Young Men activity wrapped up.

I played two rounds against Todd, and he beat me both times
because he realized he didn't have to checkmate me to win.
He just had to make faster moves so I would run out of time first.
Well played, sir.