Friday, April 5, 2024

The South Pas Pilgrimage

When we asked the kids what they wanted to do
while we were in California this week,
the top thing on their list was something we wanted to do last time,
but didn't have time for:

A day trip to our old hometown of South Pasadena!
The kids loved visiting the train station near our old apartment . . .

. . . and climbing on an old watering trough that was built in 1906.
Our new town has trains and old watering troughs too,
but unfortunately . . .

. . . it doesn't have La Monarca Bakery 
with its yummy, freshly baked conchas . . .

. . . and it definitely doesn't have In-N-Out.
Sorry, Chick-fil-A--
In-N-Out's fries win any day of the week.

After lunch, the kids enjoyed playing at good old Garfield Park,
then we had a little free time before Aunt Heather's rehearsal dinner,
so Daniel and Todd decided to play some speed chess.
(I brought our board, in case we got bored. :P)

Love the hat, Todd.

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