Saturday, April 6, 2024

Donuts and Grapevines

This afternoon . . .

. . . Aunt Heather's and (future) Uncle Joe's friends and relatives
gathered to celebrate their wedding!

Heather wanted Uncle Andrew to perform her marriage,
so with the help of the internet, he officially became a minister for the occasion.
It was kind of bizarre, but also kind of awesome.
He did a great job of making the ceremony both fun and very touching.

In years past, both Heather and Joe had sworn that they would never marry anyone,
but sometimes love has other ideas.
It was sweet to see two people who have such big personalities and strong opinions
discover that they care more about sharing life together
than about playing it safe on their own.

The bride and groom (and many of their friends) love horseback riding and cowboy culture,
so there was a lot of line dancing at the reception.
Anna had practiced a few of the easier dances in the weeks before our trip,
and it was fun to see her out on the dance floor
spinning and grapevining with the other guests.

Also, Heather and Joe decided to serve delicious donuts for dessert instead of wedding cake.
How cool is that?!?

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