Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Holiday I Dread Most (But Somehow Can't Resist)

I don't know why people say, "Easy as pie."
Making a good pie is hard,
and it takes hours when you factor in chilling the dough,
preparing the filling, and baking time.

Every March 14th, I attempt to make a pie (or two!),
and then vow to find an easier way to observe Pi(e) Day the following year.

This year, I was determined.
No three-hour dinner-and-dessert prep this time!
No more "No-Fail Perfect Pie Crust" recipes that still turn out bland and crumbly.
I was gonna keep it simple!

Then I saw this book at our local library:

I was weak.
The pies looked so beautiful, so delicious, 
so doable!

And for some crazy reason,
I thought that instead of making one savory pie for dinner,
it would be easier to make . . .

. . . eight savory hand pies.

For six people.

Oh yeah, and pecan tartlets for dessert.

I spent over three hours in the kitchen,
and we didn't sit down to eat until about 8:30pm
when the kids should have been heading to bed.

Next year's gonna be different.
Maybe I'll buy a premade pie crust.
Maybe I'll make shepherd's pie, so I don't even have to DEAL with crust!

'Cuz I'm done with crust that crumbles!  And fillings that don't set! 

. . .

Aww . . . how can I stay mad at a face like that?

OK, OK . . . maybe I'll try just one more pie.

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