Saturday, March 23, 2024

Pi with a Side of Broccoli

Saturday seems like a great day
to share some random pictures from the past few weeks,
so here you go!

This week was Spirit Week at Joy's high school,
and Tuesday was "Dress Like a Teacher Day,"
so Joy dressed like her dapper chemistry teacher.
She even borrowed our friend Jamie's pi tie to complete the look.

Todd's class is learning about idioms,
and for a recent assignment, he chose to reference the correlation
between autism and his academic aptitude.

I wonder why he chose to color his paper brown?
Maybe he envisioned a brown cat?
Or did the metaphorical cat escape from a brown paper bag?
Or were the cat and bag BOTH brown?
I'm sure there's some deep meaning hidden in there somewhere.

Speaking of Todd, he made it about as far as I would have expected him
(or most other humans) to get with the wicked hard Mario puzzle.
For days he insisted that he would work on the rest "sometime,"
but he eventually learned the important life lesson
that if you keep putting off a leisure activity,
that means you like the idea of it but don't enjoy the reality,
so you should find something else to do.

And in case you're wondering, 
Cici hasn't received an acceptance letter from Harvard yet,
but she remains hopeful.  

Tia, on the other hand, has seemed kind of bored and antsy lately.
Someone on the internet said pet birds like playing with veggies they can chew up,
so tied a piece of broccoli to the side of her cage.

Tia: Are you kidding?  That toy is lamer than a one-legged millipede.
Me: Well, back to the drawing board.

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