Monday, July 24, 2023

Off to FSY

Daniel and Joy headed off to their first FSY this morning.

Someone sent me this picture of Daniel with a friend from our ward,
and two friends who moved out of our ward in the last few months.
It was fun to see them back together.
(Also, Daniel is average height for his age,
but he looks tiny next to the older boys, especially his tall friend Caden.)

When Joy was packing last night,
she decided to take my old Renaissance costume to wear to the dances.
I don't know why anyone would want to wear a corset to a dance,
but Joy would not be deterred.
And since Joy was dressing up, Anna decided
she might as well try on my medieval dress too.

The house was pretty quiet today, with half of our kids gone.
Anna spent her time writing a thank-you note for a youth leader who will be moving soon.

Todd worked on a book of mazes
(instead of folding his laundry).

Later in the day, Daddy went on a scooter ride with the two younger kids.
All in all, it's been a pleasant summer day.

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