Saturday, September 3, 2022

Leaving Before the Finale

Phillip's company decided to bond over baseball a couple nights ago . . .

. . . so I took the train into Boston . . .

. . . and met Phillip for a date at Fenway Park.
Although I find baseball pretty boring on TV, I enjoy watching it person.
There's something fun about cheering or groaning with the people around me,
and rooting for actual humans down on an actual field.
Maybe it feels more real to me, since most things I see on screens aren't real.

I also enjoyed getting to know Phillip's new coworkers, 
including Dr. Todd (pictured above) and Eva the Stylish Secretary 
(I just made that last part up--it's not her official title).

As for the game itself, the Red Sox spent most of it a few runs behind,
so Phillip and I left after the eighth inning to beat the crowds.
Of course, the Sox staged an epic comeback in the bottom of the ninth and won the game.
I kind of wish we'd stuck it out to see that grand finale,
but I was happier to arrive home before midnight and get a decent night's sleep.
I must be getting old. :)

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