Thursday, September 2, 2021

The First Day Back

 This morning, Todd and I looked down the street . . .

. . . at a sight we haven't seen since last March.

Todd doesn't look very happy to be starting school, but that's just because it was chilly outside.  He actually had a really great first day.

So did Anna!

Joy (who I somehow didn't manage to photograph today) and Daniel had a rougher time.  It's tough going from last year's low-key homeschooling-ish routine to a long school day that starts early in the morning and requires them to hustle to a bunch of different classrooms they've never been to before.  They were pretty tired when they got home.  

Daniel wants to quit public school for good and go back to homeschooling (mainly so he can sleep in and have more free time), but I think public school will do a much better job of preparing him for college and life than I could if I tried to educate him at home.  Hopefully he and Joy will adjust to school in the next week or two.

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