Sunday, October 18, 2020

Poker Faces

 Some parenting decisions are very straightforward, but others just aren't.  Like when our kids recently asked to learn how to play poker.  The Lord has warned against gambling, and Daddy and I agree with Him, but the kids pointed out that if you take money out of the equation, poker is no different than checkers, chess, or most other games.  You have limited resources, and you try to use them wisely.  Sometimes you win, and sometimes you don't.  If there are more than two players, the odds are that you are going to lose, and you need to just do your best and enjoy the game.

They made a pretty valid argument . . .

. . . so when Daniel asked to use his own money to buy some poker chips this weekend, we allowed him to do it, on the condition that they not be referred to as money.  The boys agreed to call them "points."  Joy calls them "pies."

Did we make the right choice?  It's hard to say, but it feels like the best course right now, so we're going with it.  For now.  We'll see how we feel about it in the weeks and months to come.

In the meantime, watch out for Daniel.

He's on a roll today.

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