Sunday, October 4, 2020

Conference Rectangles

It took me about a decade of trial, error, and persistent tweaking, but I'm grateful to say I've found a way to get all four of my children excited about General Conference.  They actually sit and pay some degree of attention through all four two-hour sessions (five sessions, in Joy's case).  Given how hard it is to persuade kids to sit quietly through anything, I'm still kind of amazed that it works so well.

The night before Conference, I print off the "Conference Squares" sheets from the Church's website (I also print my own "Conference Rectangle" sheets, in case the kids want to fill in their own Gospel topics) . . .

. . . and for every six squares the kids fill in during a session, they get to choose snacks, treats, and toys from the prize bowl.  The plastic eggs contain taffy or coins, and they tend to be a popular choice because there's an element of mystery about them. :)

Joy was the only one who chose to fill in her own sheet (complete with illustrations).

She also took a lot of notes this weekend (in her own unique way), and said she got more out of the sessions this time.

The younger kids are still here mainly for the prizes, but hey, you gotta start somewhere!

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