Monday, April 13, 2020

Cubing on a Rainy Day

It's raining outside today . . .

. . . but that's OK . . .

. . . 'cuz we've got Rubik's Cubes!  Red Grandma sent us a pastel-colored one for Easter, and Joy immediately appropriated it because it twists faster and smoother than her old one (which she handed down to Daniel).  Joy is thrilled to have a faster cube; Daniel is thrilled to have any cube.

Daniel likes to time how quickly he can solve a mixed up cube.  Slower hardware notwithstanding, he beat Joy's record this afternoon.

Joy likes to let her siblings mix up the cube for her to solve.  She also maintains that there's more than one way to "solve" a Rubik's Cube.  Sometimes she prefers to solve it with a certain pattern on each face (like a checkerboard or donut).  Daniel does those patterns too sometimes, but mostly he favors speed over artistry.

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