Saturday, April 25, 2020

An Elliptical Road Trip

I've wanted an elliptical machine for many years, but for most of that time we were living in a small apartment, and then we started moving across the country every year or so.  Buying a heavy, bulky exercise machine on a starving student budget just didn't make sense.

Now that we're settled in a house, we finally have room for it.  And now that Congress has decided to stimulate our economy, we have some spare cash for it.  Also, since we can't go out much and I'm having a hard time exercising with the kids home all the time, I decided that an elliptical machine would be a good investment in my physical and mental health.  So I did some shopping on Craig's List . . .

. . . then Phillip and I rented a U-Haul . . .

. . . and drove south to Rhode Island to check out a machine that seemed like a good prospect.  After weeks of barely leaving my house, it felt totally surreal to leave my state.

I tested out the machine to make sure it was comfortable and in good working order, then we loaded it up and drove it home . . .

. . . where a (very strong) friend helped Phillip move it into the house . . .

. . . and up to the bonus room.  It's been there less than a day, and I think everyone in our family has tried it out at least once.  I'm looking forward to getting in better shape and relieving some of the pandemic-related stress in my life.  Hooray for endorphins!

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