Thursday, February 13, 2020

Layup, Streak, and Zen

Our family went to Daniel and Anna's school this evening for the annual student-teacher basketball game.  I'm not typically a big basketball fan, but we enjoyed watching this live game, partly because we knew some of the people playing.

Kids from every class in the school joined up with teachers and other staff members for a friendly basketball game.  It was fun to watch, and by the end I found myself giving the kids mental nicknames.  "Layup" was a tall girl who led her team to victory by consistently making shots close to the basket.  "Streak" was a fast kid with highlights in his hair.  "Zen" was an Asian boy who was content to jog around without ever handling the ball.

Even the principal (in the middle, with the blue shirt) joined the game for a few rotations, which I thought was pretty cool.

Daniel's teacher was on the blue team . . .

. . . and Anna's teacher was the scorekeeper.  She gave all the girls in her class French braids this morning, just for the occasion. :)

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