Thursday, November 28, 2019

Feasting with Yoda

Happy Thanksgiving!

Who's ready for turkey?!?  I decided to serve Thanksgiving dinner on paper plates this year, since we already had a gazillion dirty dishes in the kitchen before we even started eating.  Phillip thought it was a shame to serve a fabulous dinner on paper plates though, and since he washes the dishes I'll let him make that call next time.

Personally, I was happy to be sitting down after a long day of cooking.  We always shared the cooking load with the Martins back in Maryland, and I had forgotten how much work it is to cook an entire Thanksgiving dinner by myself.  It was worth it, though, when I heard the kids cheer as they came around the corner and saw our big feast ready and waiting.

As we ate we had a serious discussion about the things we are thankful for, then we played the traditional, semi-serious Thanksgiving Alphabet Game that we learned from Pink Grandma.  Some things on the alphabetical list were things we're genuinely grateful for, like family and Jesus.  Other things were a little on the silly side, like milk products, chlorine channels (it's a neuroscience PhD thing), and Yoda ('cuz we're geeks, and it's hard to think of things we're grateful for that start with Y).

Very thankful we are.  Hope you had a happy holiday we do.

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