Saturday, November 23, 2019

Daddy's Choir Concert

We headed up to Pepperell this afternoon to hear Daddy sing in a new community choir.

This was their very first concert, and they did really well.  I enjoyed their haunting rendition of "Alway Something Sings" and their whimsical song about the tortoise and the hare.  Long after we got home, the kids were still singing bits of "Sing" and "Turn the World Around."  My favorite part of all was seeing how emotionally engaged Phillip is in every song he performs.

Phillip asked Joy to record a video of each song.  She looked less than thrilled that I decided to document her service for posterity . . .

. . . but Todd was happy to have his picture taken with his assistant school teacher.  She came to the concert with her daughter, who had a friend singing in the choir.

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