Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Guess Who's Eight!

Can you guess whose birthday it is today?

(Hint: It's the human wearing the party hat.)

Anna has been looking forward to her eighth birthday for months, because in the Church of Jesus Christ, you need to be at least eight years old to be baptized.  Anna has chosen to be baptized this Saturday . . .

. . . and a couple visitors came to town to celebrate this exciting step on Anna's journey home to Heavenly Father!  It's been so nice to have them here.  We miss being close to family since we moved back east!

We introduced Red Grandma and Aunt Heather to Gourmet Donuts this afternoon.  We had planned to eat our donuts at the park, but it started raining, so we ate them on some pizza place's porch instead.  That's summer in Massachusetts for you.

Later in the evening, Joy decorated a birthday cake for Anna . . .

. . . then we sang her our traditional birthday medley.  It was nice to have a couple extra singers on hand, because it increases the odds that multiple people will sing off key.  That's part of the charm of the Sorenson Birthday Medley.

Happy birthday, sweet Anna.  Thank you for the gentle kindness and good cheer that you bring to our family. :)

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