Thursday, August 29, 2019

Berry Picking with "The Relatives"

As we considered what Massachusettsy activities to do with "the relatives" (as my kids have taken to calling our visitors), I recalled that a nearby farm allows customers to pick their own berries.

Blueberry picking was fun, and the blueberries were tasty . . .

. . . but we were all really looking forward to visiting the big raspberry patch.  The farm charges an exorbitant $7 per pint of raspberries, because they know you'll eat two or three berries for every one that goes into your basket.  And we did.  The raspberries were heavenly.  In fact, we eventually had to hand Joy's container to someone else because she was just eating berries and not putting any in her basket.

And you can bet we filled those raspberry baskets all the way to the top before we left.

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