Sunday, May 5, 2019

Mr. Dirtbrain

Someone at church gave Anna some soil and wheat seeds last week . . .

. . . with instructions to decorate a plastic cup, fill it with soil . . .

. . . add the wheat seeds and a little more soil . . .

. . . then water it and put it by a sunny window.  The idea is that the seeds will sprout and grow green "hair" after a few days.  Since this little guy was hairless at the outset, Anna named him Bishop Gold, after the friendly, charismatic, and utterly bald leader of our congregation.

Four days later, those seeds have grown much faster than I would have expected.  Since Anna's little friend is no longer bald, she changed his name to "Mr. Dirtbrain," which her siblings agree is an excellent choice (sorry, Bishop Gold).

Anna also borrowed my camera to show posterity that Luna is also a big fan of Mr. Dirtbrain.  Who wouldn't be?

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