Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Day 1 of the Big PT

Today was a monumental day in our family.  Todd has finally shown interest in potty training, so last night I encouraged him to throw his last diaper into the trash can outside, and this morning he put on underwear to start potty training.

I printed off a chart to track his progress, and Anna wrote his name on it.

She also helped him make a sign to put on the bathroom downstairs (his main base of operations, since the upper floors have carpet which would be harder to clean).  The sign has Todd's name on it, and he requested that we add Anna's and mine, since we're helping him potty train.

Success!  Todd used the bathroom, so he got to put a sticker on his chart!

He picked out some letter stickers at the store the other day, and he used them to spell his name, followed by Joy's (since there was only room left for a three-letter name on that line).

Todd had a few little accidents early in the day, but this afternoon he was really getting the hang of using the bathroom and letting me know when he needs to go.  By the end of the day, he had even completed Anna's name on his chart.  And if eleven seems like a lot of times to use the bathroom in one day, let's just say that I was giving him lots to drink so he would have plenty of opportunities to practice his new skills.

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