Thursday, May 4, 2017

May the Fourth 2017

Hooray!  It's Star Wars Day!  I love any excuse to be geeky and celebrate with food (in a Martha-Stewart-would-roll-her-eyes sort of way), so this holiday is right up my alley.

In addition to our traditional (OK, this is only our second year, but if you repeat something even two years in a row that counts as a tradition, right?) Millennium Falcon sheet cake . . .

. . . we had Obiwan Kebabis, carrot light sabers (from our garden), ewok food (AKA veggies and a yogurty ranch dip, which no one but me liked and I will probably swap out next time for Sarlacc hummus like I did last year) . . .

. . . and double light saber hot dogs . . .

. . . with Vaderade to drink.  It's hard to see Darth Vader on those labels I printed because, um, they're kind of on the Dark Side.  I got four colors of Gatorade to represent different Star Wars characters' light sabers: red is Darth Vader, blue is Luke Skywalker, green(ish) is Yoda, and purple is Mace Windu.  Of course, Phillip chose purple because he thinks Mace is cool.

Daniel used to say he didn't like Star Wars, which felt a teeny bit like blasphemy to me, but I let it go because he was young and let's face it, it's not like his salvation depends on him sharing my geeky passion.  When we turned on Episode 7 after dinner, though, he sat through every minute and announced that he likes Star Wars now.

Anna, on the other hand, found the movie a little overwhelming and spent most of it in another room.  After we finished the film, she said she likes the girl character, but she never wants us to watch Star Wars again (no promises, Anna, but I will offer her an alternate activity next year).  She says she has no issue at all with Star Wars Day though, because she likes hot dogs, cake, and Gatorade.

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