Friday, July 15, 2016

Wildlife, Smoothies, and Spiderman

Have I mentioned that our library is really cool?

This morning we went to a wildlife exhibition there.  A presenter showed and taught us about a variety of creatures like a Eurasian eagle-owl (one of the largest owls in the world) . . .

. . . and a joey (a baby kangaroo).  The joey is very attached to her and hates being alone, so she carries it in a big tote bag whenever she goes to the store, the movies, etc.  She told the kids if they see someone walking around Walmart with a giant tote bag, there just might be a baby kangaroo in there.

After the wildlife exhibit, the kids had a wheelchair drag race in the front lobby . . . 

. . . and we checked out some interesting books.

P.S. Spiderman says reading is awesome.

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