Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Early Turkey Day

Since Pink Grandma will be out of town on Thanksgiving we celebrated it a little early with her today.

Daniel wore his "Eat Pizza" shirt for the occasion.  I really love that shirt.

Grandma had a fun holiday project planned.  She had the kids trace their hands to make turkey feet . . .

. . . then we cut out colorful turkey feathers and glued them to bamboo skewers . . .

. . . and after writing something the kids were thankful for on each feather, we inserted them into the turkey.

In case you're wondering, Joy wrote (in her own handwriting) that she's thankful for the prophet, birthday, holidays, home, toys, earning money, food, macaroni, grandparents, kind parents, school, family.

Daniel dictated his gratitude list as follows: macaroni and cheese, marbles, grandma, the park, Daddy, Primary, iPads, Joy kept her card green, Joy gets surprises, Joy can go to school, my lizards.

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