Thursday, February 2, 2012

Anna Meets Food

Our pediatrician encouraged us to introduce solid food to Anna when she was five months old, and I decided today was the day.

Big Sister was on hand to provide moral support.

"Ummm . . . I'm not sure what I think of that white stuff on the orange thing."

"What IS this???"

"I wanna stay on a liquid diet!"

We called it quits after two "bites" (meaning two insertions of spoon, followed by two expulsions of rice cereal). We'll try again tomorrow.

You'll learn to love this "food" stuff, Anna. Really.


Natalie said...

She just wants to wait until she can eat the solid foods that taste good. =)

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Probably true. Rice cereal is certainly nothing to get excited about.